John C Dyer’s Open Letter to the Politically Discouraged

An open letter to the dearly discouraged of Britain

I do not know what signals the excellent John Charles Dyer, UK Correspondent of Whirled View, had picked up when he published his ‘Open letter to the dearly discouraged of Britain’ on 2nd July .. but it certainly chimed with my feelings.

To cheer myself up, I am reblogging John’s letter but the full post can be read here.  The open letter is especially addressed to the politically discouraged, marginalised, exhausted and abused of Britain.

Dearly discouraged:

Press on.

In a fight, it is the cumulative effect of body blows that most often brings the knock out.

Having been both fixer and the fixed for many – too many – years, let me assure you it can be done.

You will not see the knockout. It will take place behind closed doors over 1-3 brief exchanges of punctuated and pointed words and body language. It will happen something like this:

1)      The Prime Minister will turn to the embattled Culture Secretary in Cabinet as if the Secretary is the only person in the room and say, “can’t you get those bl***d* old @&£^  on Twitter out of my hair?”  The Secretary will resign.

2)      The Prime Minister will turn to the Chancellor and Business Secretary in Cabinet as if they are the only persons in the room and say, “It’s hurting, but it isn’t working.”  We will have a Plan B.

3)      The Prime Minister will turn to his strategic Housing Secretary in Cabinet as if this operative is the only person in the room, and say, “I want the spilt milk off my plate. Fix it. Now.”  A new team will conduct a new strategy more responsive to the people than the current.

The government will redirect.  It will declare victory as it move sideways in a U. But it will be your effort, your values that will have won.  However much they want you to think they don’t care what you think, they do.  I’ve been there. Admittedly not against the Eton Wall Game. But regardless of game, what the public thinks does matter to our political leaders.

However little acknowledgement they give your contribution, you will have contributed. You will have won … the battle.

But a caution against celebrating when that time comes.  it won’t be over even with a complete change to suit your values. It won’t be over if they fall and a new Party comes to power.

It is never over. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

So take a deep breath. Take a shower. Do whatever you do to regroup.

And never say, “I quit.”

With thanks to Mr Dyer.

5 thoughts on “John C Dyer’s Open Letter to the Politically Discouraged

  1. John as ever hits nail on head,hard & fast.Thing is though,Politics now so discredited that 3 major Parties now not electable in the 2015 voting.So New Parties emerging to replace old ones.


  2. Thank you. I suspect those of us whose orientation transcends “me and mine” should look to the power of persistence and reality- being proven right over many body blows to the prevailing narrative. As the tally mounts and the consequences become too clear for the Archbishops of spin to fit the facts into the prevailing narrative, our day will come I suspect in the form of a change in the parameters for all parties rather than the victory of a single Party. I sometimes long to be proven wrong on that last point but won’t hold my breath and do not delegate to anyone else the responsibility to persist.


  3. My concern/fear is that the selling off of the ‘assets’ like the NHS/education/energy/transport, ups the stakes considerably for any political party wishing to take them back in house and under democratic control. Baron Rothchild is quoted as saying that if he controlled the banks, he didn’t mind what government was in power. David Harvey, and others, maintain that politicians lost most of their power in 1986, the year after Mrs Thatcher’s Big bang… and there does seem circumstantial evidence to support the notion that the financial-corporate nexus are in the driving seat with politicians reduced to their political wing.

    With daily evidence of the extreme weather events predicted by climate change scientists, the complete failure of green capitalism and the disastrous implications of post peak oil, ‘those of us whose orientation transcends “me and mine” need to keep the pressure up on politicians to be courageous in taking on some radical new parameters.

    Thanks for the encouragement when my will was flagging 🙂


  4. Pingback: Why didn’t the disabled protestors get more media coverage? | Think Left

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