Did someone say, “Happy Christmas?”

Did someone say “Happy Christmas?”


Happy Christmas, and A Peaceful New Year.

I want to say it to you all, but I really  want it to be true. 

If Theresa May is talking about whether we can mention Christmas, I wonder where her concerns lie.

Britain is not full, despite what is being claimed by some. Try driving around ….there seems plenty of empty land, most of it in the hands of very rich people whose ancestors acquired it by force centuries ago. Perhaps the papers would like to report on that?
People migrate and always have done, it’s good for sharing of skills, ideas and good for the gene pool. If everyone is provided for no-one would object.

There is not only space for more, there is work for everyone to do. But we import merchandise produced cheaply and unsafely, and manufacturing here has been closed down. Poor quality imports are everywhere, making riches for someone.

Tories dismantled industry, leading to decline unemployment and poverty.

They turned our shelter from homes to assets, so people became more concerned about their house prices than whether everyone could have a home.

We can satisfy our own energy needs by renewables, but I hear about fracking and nuclear energy, as rich prospectors are rubbling their hands.

But more importantly, we all need to appreciate the problem of division is not about immigrants, not about religion, it is about power. The very rich have power to cause suffering because we allow that.

It is time people opened their eyes to the truth, and reject Tory lies, and the poison from the Mail, Express and the rest.

Neoliberalism is flawed, and the answer is socialism and compassion.

I am an atheist, but I can see if Christmas -or Yuletide if you prefer – had any real meaning it’s not about anything that Theresa May is talking about. It is about community, life, and solidarity.

I remember my father- in-law in tears reading ‘The Little Match Girl, to my daughter. Now I hear about the homeless freezing to death on the streets of my home city, Birmingham, and I cannot get it out of my mind. The Dickensian thinking remains as those who sit around their Christmas trees, with their brandy and crackers, their goose and their gifts, consciences content with a contribution to some charity or other, are unwilling to recognise that voting for an extreme Conservative government means they are culpable. It is inexcusable.

The answer is Socialism, … so let’s make it count, all year round.

Here’s My “Christmas  Card”  Merry Christmas All!

But this isn’t Dickens, it’s today. 

Who will change it?

It won’t be  May, Trump or Farage- It won’t be  warmongers, Trident for  Arms

It won’t be the Frackers, Hinkley or Oil -It won’t be  FatCats watching us toil.

It won’t be the media just for their  ends. It won’t be the bankers – nor their rich friends.

It won’t be me – or  you on your own. But together we can take neoliberalism down.


So how can we change it?

Not by division, nor fighting within, but getting together – we know we can win!

Unions, Communities, Relations and Friends: United we stand to achieve just ends.

So Maggie smashed the Unions, Society? – “no such thing!”

But the neoliberalism tide has turned, Capitalism’s  on the wane.

Equality and Justice, Peace and Hope  remain.

A World Devoid of Poverty is ours to reclaim!

Homeless man froze to death – Birmingham Mail 

The Little Match Girl

This isn’t Dickens, it’s today Winters Cold, Homeless and Hungry

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